Site customization

Your website needs additonal verification to be ready, add the following record to your DNS
Here's how to get this link:
Your Notion page must be public!
Site title
Site description
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A favicon is the icon shown in the browser's tabs, e.g:
NOTE: Favicon uploads might not work if your image is very big. Use a tool such as for the picture, in order to make sure it works 100%.
Dark/light mode
Custom font
Select one of the top Google fonts. This font will be applied to all pages on your Notion site.
This is the image that is previewed on Twitter, Facebook, etc when you share a link.

Make sure your images are at least 1200px by 630px and have a 1.91:1 aspect ratio
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A right-to-left (RTL) language, e.g. Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, etc
Prefer hiding the "Search" button visible in the upper right corner of your website? Turn this on.
Database pages will show properties, at the top of the page, in Notion.

Want to hide those on your website? Turn this on.
On database pages, there will be a Table of Contents on the sidebar, on desktop. Prefer not to have that? Hide this here.
Breadcrumbs are the "path" to the page, found in the upper left corner of the page.

Example:  Home / About Us / Contact us

Want to hide those? Do that here
Calendar: weeks start on:
Which day do you prefer as the 1st day of the week?

Select the preferred day and this will be reflected on your website's calendars.
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